Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Ai Web 3! Our Terms & Conditions govern your use of our website and the services we provide. By accessing and using our website, you agree to comply with these terms. It is important to review the Terms & Conditions carefully to understand your rights and obligations as a user.

Our Terms & Conditions cover various aspects, including user conduct, content ownership, and limitations of liability. These terms are designed to create a fair and secure online environment for all users.

For a detailed overview of our Terms & Conditions, please refer to the full document.


  1. What are Terms & Conditions?

    • Terms & Conditions are a set of rules and agreements that users must agree to when using a website or service.
  2. What is covered in Ai Web 3’s Terms & Conditions?

    • Our Terms & Conditions cover user conduct, content ownership, limitations of liability, and other important aspects of website usage.
  3. Can the Terms & Conditions be updated?

    • Yes, we reserve the right to update our Terms & Conditions. Any changes will be effective upon posting on the website.
  4. What happens if I violate the Terms & Conditions?

    • Violation of the Terms & Conditions may result in the suspension or termination of your account or access to our services.
  5. How can I contact Ai Web 3 regarding the Terms & Conditions?

    • Contact information for inquiries related to our Terms & Conditions is provided on our website.